There are numerously employed and residing ex-pats living in Abu Dhabi/ UAE. They stay apart from their families leaving their friends, their wife, and their children behind. It is not very difficult to sponsor the family to Abu Dhabi and one can apply for the visa very quickly. In Abu Dhabi, you can even recruit family visa services to assist with the process and the paperwork.
If your family resides outside the UAE and you choose to apply for a family visa in Abu Dhabi, a certain standard must be met. Family Visa Services is for expatriate residents living in UAE who want to bring their immediate family members such as wife and children. There are certain procedures to follow as per the UAE government rules and regulations to sponsor dependent visas. Each kind of visa will have different document requirements and fee structure. Sponsoring your family to come to stay with you in the UAE requires a fixed monthly wage. In order to be able to sponsor your wife or children and receive a family visa in Abu Dhabi, you must earn a minimum monthly amount needed by the Abu Dhabi government and provide accommodation as per the law. You can even offer a family visa for your business associate and your staff along with the family.